What Are The Disadvantages of Mini Split Systems?  

You may be surprised after knowing the disadvantages of mini split system. Any guesses? No? Don’t worry, this article will explain all the disadvantages of this system to you, so, keep reading. Before coming to the disadvantages, you must have an idea of the mini-split system. Well, the mini-split system is the heating and cooling system that permits you to control the temperatures in individual rooms or spaces. How can it be possible to control the temperature of individual rooms? So, the mini split system has two main components called an outdoor compressor or condenser and an indoor air-handling unit or evaporator. Let’s come to the disadvantages of mini-split systems

What Are The Disadvantages of Mini Split Systems? 

Here are the disadvantages of mini split systems that will make you aware before installing the system in your home. 

  1. The Installation Cost Is High 
  2. Criticality of Placement 
  3. Limited Air Quality Control 
  4. Aesthetic Concerns 
  5. Small capacity 
  6. Difficult To Choose The Required Size 
  7. The heating Level Is Not Uniform  
  8. Not Meant For Complete House 
  9. Costly Maintenance And Repair 
  10. The Drainage System 

Disadvantages of Mini Split Systems 

Let’s have a detailed explanation of the disadvantages of the mini split systems in order to understand the reason behind these disadvantages.

  1. The Installation Cost Is High 

Are mini splits good for heating? Well, they are good but a person with a lower income can not afford to install a mini-split system because of their high installation cost. For example, a $1,500 mini split will cost you around $1,500 to install by a professional depending on the location. To reduce the mini split installation cost, many people are choosing to install their mini-split systems by themselves nowadays. Hence, the high installation cost may not be even considered a disadvantage.

  1. Criticality of Placement 

The houses designed for a central air system do not have a fixed location for the mini split head unit. On top of that, the mini split head unit must be installed at specific locations in order for the system to perform at the most optimal level.

  1. Limited Air Quality Control 

You can control the air temperature in the individual room but the quality of air control is limited. Mini split, especially ductless air conditioner systems generally do not have high-performance filters. Most of the time, they are meant to capture dust to prevent the cooling coil from choking up.

  1. Aesthetic Concerns 

One of the most irritating disadvantages of the best mini split systems is the aesthetic concerns. Many houses are not designed for a mini-split system but for a central air system. Therefore, mini-split components such as refrigerator lines, drain lines, and wires are not concealed. And replacing a central air system with a mini-split system will result in having the mini-split lines running exposed on the surface of the wall both inside and outside the house.

  1. Small capacity 

How many mini splits do I need? Well, for a 1,500 sq ft sized house you would need three 12,000 BTY mini splits. A typical 1800 sq ft single-family house may use a 3-ton central air system for cooling. For the same-sized house, it often translates to 4 to 5 units of mini splits.

  1. Difficult To Choose The Required Size 

It is very confusing to select the correct size of the mini-split system for your house. Installing a system that is too big will mean that it cools the room too quickly and turns off prematurely. When this happens, you min-split cannot get all the humidity out of the room, and it will be uncomfortable.

  1. The heating Level Is Not Uniform  

The mini-split systems are designed to offer different temperatures in different rooms. But, believe it or not, all the rooms are not uniform. In one room you may feel cold and warm in the other room, at the same time. On extremely hot or cold days, your mini-split will struggle to keep up and won’t provide the same level of comfort that a traditional HVAC system.

  1. Not Meant For Complete House 

You may or may not accept but it is a fact that a mini-split system is not meant for the whole house. They run into problems when you try to heat or cool several rooms at the same time with a mini-split system. Remember, there is not any ductwork involved, so the air coming out of the mini-split will only travel as far as the mini-split can push it.

  1. Costly Maintenance And Repair 

If you are going to install the mini splits system, then be ready to spend more on the repair and pertinence of it. The professional will check and clean the filters, coils, and units themselves and ensure no refrigerant leaks. Your cost will be $150 to $300 per session, plus repair costs.

  1. The Drainage System 

The drainage system is a frequent subject of discouragement for the mini-split heat pump. As with all heating and cooling systems, small air conditioners also produce heat by cooling the hot summer air in your home. This condensate can collect inside the room and pass through pipes outside your home.

Advantages of Mini Split Systems 

The advantages of mini split system are 

  1. Small size 
  2. Flexibility for zoning  
  3. Cooling Individual rooms 
  4. Energy Efficient 
  5. Ductless System 
  6. Smooth and Quiet Operation 

Everything has its disadvantages on Disadvantagess you will get to know more.


Does A Mini Split Hurt Home Value?

Adding a mini split system will also increase the value of your home should you ever decide to sell it. People love new, more efficient home technology and the comfort it provides. While many of your home’s features need to be replaced around the 8-15 year mark, getting 20 years out of anything is a great value

Does A Mini Split Use A Lot Of Electricity?

If you have a single zone mini split, you can expect to use anywhere from 500 to 700 watts of electricity per hour. For multi zone mini splits, multiply this by the number of zones in use at one time.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Mini Split?

So, How Long Do Mini Split Systems Last? The question “how long do mini split systems last” does not have a definitive answer. However, we do have enough experience to confidently state you can expect 10 – 15 years of efficient, reliable use when you purchase a quality system from a reputable manufacturer.

Where Not To Install A Mini Split?

Avoid placement near shrubbery or other obstructions because the outdoor unit needs airflow to operate properly. And both types of outdoor units need an even surface to sit on – typically a concrete or composite pad.


Above you have learnt the advantages and disadvantages of mini split systems in detail. When you see the mini split vs central air, then you see those houses designed for a central air system are not suitable for the mini split system. And those houses designed for the mini split system are not suitable for a central air system. The mini-split systems are highly efficient, give off excellent heating and cooling, run quietly and smoothly, and take up limited space inside and outside your home. Now, you have all the disadvantages of mini split systems. Now, you will install the mini split system with extra care. 

What are the disadvantages of mini-split systems?