What Are The Disadvantages Of Filing For Divorce First?

No one happily files for a divorce, as there are lots of disadvantages of filing for divorce first. Everyone tries their best to save the relationship, but sometimes things don’t work out the way we would like and then you are left with only one option which is to end that relationship. In today’s article, we will talk about a very common relationship which is ‘marriage’. When marriage doesn’t work, people divorce. But you can’t end the marriage directly when you want to, for you need support from the judiciary or law. It is very sad and also depressing to walk away from the person whom you loved too much. But you will recover from it in time. Without further discussion let’s come to the main topic which is the disadvantages of filing for divorce first

What Are The Disadvantages Of Filing For Divorce First? 

Here is a list of some potential disadvantages of filing for divorce first. They will tell you about what happens when you file for divorce first

  1. Sometimes Pay More Fees 
  2. You Alert Your Spouse To Your Demands 
  3. Set Forth The Dissolution Of Marries 
  4. You May Be Judged As A Bad Guy Or Girl By Society 
  5. Open Public Record 
  6. It Could Make Negotiations More Difficult 
  7. Increase Stress And Anxiety 
  8. The Process Could Take Longer 
  9. Lost Scope Of ADR 
  10. You May be Tagged As A Bad Co-parent 

Disadvantages Of Filing For Divorce First 

To know in detail, let’s explain each and every disadvantage of filing for divorce first. 

  1. Sometimes Pay More Fees 

One of the common disadvantages of filing for divorce in the UK, sometimes you need to pay extra. Because an individual who files for divorce first might have to pay the filing fees. Because you go first, you may also have to pay more attorney fees if your lawyer is busy gathering information.

  1. You Alert Your Spouse To Your Demands 

When you file for a divorce first, you usually have to list your desires or demands. The other party sees this at the time they are served. This allows them to know exactly what you want and come up with a counterattack.

  1. Set Forth The Dissolution Of Marries 

One of the most common disadvantages of filing for divorce in South Africa is the set forth the dissolution of marriages. If you and your spouse are discussing divorce, you make it solid by filing for it. Usually, in these cases, there is little chance of reconciling, since one party has already made the move.

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  1. You May Be Judged As A Bad Guy Or Girl By Society 

If you are an Asian, then there is a high chance to get judged by society just because you have filed for divorce first. And the matter gets worse if you are a woman. They may think that you were the one who caused the problem and that you are now just trying to save yourself. There may also be a sense of betrayal, especially if children are involved.

  1. Open Public Record 

There are lots of disadvantages of filing for divorce first in California but the most common one is that divorce is an open public record. So, you can not hide it. This means anyone can look at the details of your divorce, including the reason for the divorce. This can be embarrassing and may make you feel like you have to defend yourself from others.

  1. It Could Make Negotiations More Difficult 

It could make negotiations more difficult. This is because your spouse may feel like they have to give in to your demands to settle. They may also be less likely to negotiate in good faith if they have no other choice.

  1. Increase Stress And Anxiety 

Petitioning for divorce first can be a stressful and anxiety-including process. This is especially true if you are the one who filed first. The opposition attorney might ask nasty divorce questions to increase your mental pressure.

  1. The Process Could Take Longer 

Your spouse will be able to make a counterclaim. This means they can file their divorce paperwork and request child custody, spousal support, or property division. This can extend the process of divorce and make it more complicated.

  1. Lost Scope Of ADR 

One of the potential disadvantages of filing for divorce first in Nc is the loss of scope of ADR. ADR means Alternative Dispute Resolution. Surprising your spouse without warming him or her may complicate or destroy any possibility of alternative dispute resolution such as mediation, negotiation, or collaborative divorce.

  1. You May Be Tagged As A Bad Co-parent 

Your spouse could use this against you in court if you have young children. They may paint you as an unstable person who is not fit to co-parent. Though it is not logical that you are a bad parent for filing a divorce first, your spouse will try to use this ground to win the child custody battle.

Advantages Of Filing For Divorce First 

The advantages of filing for divorce first are, 

  • Have a Say in Divorce Proceedings
  • Properly Prepare for the Divorce 
  • Properly Prepare for the Divorce 
  • Immediate relief 
  • End date of marries

Everything has its disadvantages on Disadvantagess you will get to know more.


What If Husband Filed For Divorce First?

If a divorce petition is filed then first of all, file a WS for the same stating all the facts concluding your prayer and the relief you want from the courts and simultaneously file a transfer petition in Supreme court so that the divorce petition can be transferred in your city.

What Is The Minimum Time For Divorce?

Divorce with Mutual Consent

Section 10A of Indian Divorce Act, 1869, requires the couple to be separated for at least two years, the couple only needs to provide that they have not been living as husband and wife during this period.

Who Pays For A Divorce?

Put simply, the general rule is that each person getting divorced will pay their own legal fees, and the person applying for the divorce will be responsible for covering Court Fees and other costs. However, in some circumstances it may be possible for them to recover these costs from the other person

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Does It Matter Who Applies For A Divorce First?

make a difference who submits the application for divorce. There may be financial implications, for whoever files the petition will incur additional court costs. In some cases the costs of divorce can be shared between the parties.

When Its Time To End A Marriage?

If you’re no longer spending any time together, if one or both partners is spending all their time at work, with friends, online — and if feels like a relief not to be with each other — it’s a sign that you’ve already disengaged from the marriage.”


Above, you have understood the advantages and disadvantages of filing for divorce first with reasons. Now, you know there are multiple disadvantages of petitioning for divorce first like Sometimes Pay More Fees, You Alert Your Spouse To Your Demands, Set Forth The Dissolution Of Marries, You May Be Judged As A Bad Guy Or Girl By Society, Open Public Record, etc. We have explained all these disadvantages in detail. So, this is all about the disadvantages of filing for divorce first. 

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Singapore

What are the disadvantages of filing for divorce first?